Native trees that thrive in wetlands
Do you need trees for a swampy area where water sometimes stands for several weeks at a time? Perhaps you are looking for trees that will thrive at a pond's edge or a stream margin where the water level fluctuates with the rainfall.
Here are ten native trees that tolerate standing in water for extended periods of time. These are native trees often found growing in wetlands in various parts of the continental United States. Linked names lead to the USDA Plants database, which contains a great deal of information about each species.
Alnus serrulata -- Smooth Alder (Hazel Alder)
Betula populifolia -- Gray Birch
Fraxinus nigra -- Black Ash
Larix laricina -- Eastern Larch (Tamarack)
Picea mariana -- Black Spruce
Salix amygdaloides -- Peachleaf Willow
Salix bebbiana -- Bebb Willow
Salix discolor -- Pussy Willow
Salix nigra -- Black Willow
Taxodium distichum -- Baldcypress
These ten aren't the only wetland trees. There are many willow species, for example. However, I hope the tree names in this list will provide a starting point for your research.
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